Feedback to us at Kredinor Finans

Sometimes there may be reasons for giving feedback to us in the form of a complaint. We have therefore collected information on how you can proceed your feedback to us.

If there is something you would like to post as a complaint, Kredinor Finans will handle this in accordance to the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority’s guidelines. Complaints must be sent to Kredinor Finans in writing. The easiest and fastest way is to fill in the form that can be sent to us, click here.

As soon as your complaint has been received, you will get a written confirmation from us. The complaint will be registered in a separate register, and we will annually report the number and the decisions to the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority.

Kredinor Finans will obtain relevant information in order to make a comprehensive and thorough assessment of the complaint, and will investigate any conflicts of interest during the processing. If we find conflicts of interest, we will avoid or limit them.

The complaint will be given as a written reply in a clear and understandable language, within as short time as possible. If we cannot accept your complaint, we will give you a written reason.

A consumer will be able to bring complaints before the Finansklagenemnda Bank (only in norwegian) if there is a complaint about a participating financial institution’s general business (more information at

If you need more information about the authorities’ requirements for handling customer complaints, you can follow the link:–finans–forsikrings–og-verdipapirverksemd/

Complaints must be sent to Kredinor Finans in writing.

To ensure a fast complaint processing, you can follow the link and fill in the form on our customer service pages, click here.

Kredinor Finans AS | Rådhusgata 27 | P.O. Box 782, 0106 Oslo | Tlf.: 22 00 91 00 | | Org. NO984467990