Customer service solutions

If they wish, clients may also outsource their customer service operations to Kredinor. At our customer centre, we build up a team that becomes the client's own customer service centre. We provide the same high standard of front-line customer care as the client would in-house. If not better.

Cost-effective customer service solutions

The advantage of engaging Kredinor to provide first-line customer service is that you save time and avoid the expense of having your own staff and technical equipment. We put together a professional team and run through training together with the client. Our team is always ready to assist customers. We handle everything related to technical equipment, employment, training, professional updating, other personnel follow-up and day-to-day operations. At the same time, the client retains full control through integration solutions, Kredinor Online and traffic reports.

Closer to your customer

The actions and service-mindedness of our professional customer service team is one of the reasons for our high level of customer satisfaction and resolution rate. Faster payment is facilitated because we treat customers well and are easily accessible through multiple channels. On a scale of 1 to 6, we now have an average customer satisfaction (KTI) of 5.02. Our score rarely goes down, but more often up because customers give positive feedback on their experience of dealing with us.