Highly competent lawyers
Kredinor’s legal department, Advokatfelleskapet Bratsberg, has experienced lawyers with a high level of competence in credit and monetary claim law, mortgage law, debt collection and enforcement. They can review contracts and contract terms, assist with legal and extra-judicial proceedings, judicial assessment of cases and claims, formulation of complaints, petitions and lawsuits in bankruptcy, coercive and civil cases. They also contribute in our continuous efforts to comply with the legal framework for the debt collection business as well as the development of a new debt collection law. Responsibility for compliance and the GDPR also lies with our legal department.
Laws and regulations related to debt collection
Kredinor is actively participating in efforts to shape our industry’s framework conditions. We help our clients to engage with the authorities with regard to changes in the law. At the same time, we take an active part in debates related to credit law and related areas.
The Online Lawyer – legal assistance via the web
We offer clients who are also members free help with minor legal issues via our Online Lawyer service (Nettadvokaten). This service is available via Kredinor Online – the client’s own logged-in pages – and covers simple issues with simple and straightforward answers. If the issues are more complex, we will offer to follow up the case based on our membership terms. Our extensive expertise in debt collection means that we are an industry leader. As such, we are also frequently contacted by non-member clients, who are seeking assistance on various legal matters.
Compliance Officer
Kredinor’s legal department has a Compliance Officer, who has overall responsibility for following up, monitoring and ensuring that Kredinor operates in accordance with laws, rules, routines and ethical frameworks. Our Compliance Officer is also responsible for identifying risk areas and establishing work processes that safeguard quality and control at all levels. And if deviations are reported, they follow up with appropriate solutions and remedial measures. The Compliance Officer also draws up contingency plans and engages in a regular dialogue with the organization through the provision of advice, guidance and training in the prevailing regulations.
Professional training in debt collection
Our lawyers contribute to professional content in our webinars, courses and other professional debt collection meeting places. They have also been central in the development of our competence web, including digital debt collection courses and e-learning. Our lawyers also act as lecturers to help boost our clients’ own expertise. Topics cover everything in debt collection, enforcement and credit law. Read more about our courses and seminars here.