
Kredinor has Norway's largest database of payers. Our analysts can perform analyses and produce a number of different reports, such as CPI-measurements and trend evaluations. Furthermore, they can review customer portfolios and compare them with our database. Our reports can show the quality of a client's customer portfolio - and the probability of increasing its success rate.

Analysis provides a basis for customer insight

Together with our key account manager, we identify needs and extract insights that are then analyzed. The information available can be used by the client to make decisions about payer profiles and customer follow-up.

Analysis score and success rate

We analyze customer portfolios and give each customer a score based on the probability of paying what they owe. Based on this score, we provide our clients with reports clarifying why the success rate varies from one customer to the next. When we receive a case, we can compare the debtor’s analysis score and the amount of money they owe our client. We often see a connection between weak scores, high outstanding amounts and low chances of resolving the case. This may affect how we proceed. If customers have high debts and weak scores, debt collection measures may have less effect. In such cases, we may recommend delaying the process. Over time, the debtor’s financial situation may change, allowing the case to be resolved. In other cases, close follow-up of the customer may be appropriate, so that payment happens faster than expected.

Drill Down – to work lists and case level

The presentation of reports will be visualized. Based on the visualization, we can determine which specific cases and debtors represent an increased risk of loss per period. This can provide a good basis for assessing various measures for credit protection in the future, such as demanding payment in advance or a deposit from the customers to which this applies.

Effect of profiles and events

We have also developed reports that show how effective different case profiles are for raising money and returning capital. Follow-up of customer groups can be differentiated on the basis of the profile they have in our portfolios. Late payers with a strong payer profile will receive one type of follow-up, while late payers with a weak payer profile will receive a different and perhaps closer follow-up. We discuss the measures with our clients in general status meetings to see if there is a need for change and further development.

Utilizing data for process optimization in the energy sector

There are several opportunities of utilizing our enormous database, extensive expertise and experience base in the energy sector. Our analytical environment can, among other things, develop the following:

  • Precise loss forecasts
  • Holdback and prospect solutions
  • Risk and deposit solutions
  • Management information

Self-service via Kredinor Online

We present reports and discuss solutions in separate meetings between our key account managers and analysts. In addition, reports and analyses can be made available at Kredinor Online, on our logged-in pages. Our ambition is to further develop the solution so that simple reports can be generated and new analyses accessed via a self-service function at Kredinor Online.

More information about our solutions.

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