Debt Collection

Kredinor is Norway’s largest debt collection company. We offer online services and real-time payment solutions for the debtor. For clients, our up-to-date digital solutions provide a seamless process flow and comprehensive overview of customers. But perhaps most importantly, they put money into your account at a higher speed.

Extensive experience

Kredinor has extensive experience of debt collection on behalf of businesses in the energy, banking/finance, retail, service, telecom and parking sectors, and public sector entities. Given our size, our nationwide presence and extensive experience as a debt collection agency, no client is too large. On the other hand, no client is too small either. Our full-scale integration solutions are delivered across the entire spectrum – from plug and play solutions to specially adapted solutions based on customer needs.

We can handle anything from simple, one-off assignments from individual companies, to large volumes for highly complex business enterprises with many customers and differing requirements.

Norway’s largest customer database

Kredinor has an extensive customer database containing payment records. At the start of the customer relationship, we carry out an analysis of your customer portfolio. We calculate the probability of getting customers to pay – and how to et the fastest payment possible.


Early follow-up of debt collection cases

Debt collection should be seen as a separate process. In our experience, the earlier a claim is sent for collection once the due date on the invoice has expired and a payment reminder sent, the faster the case will be resolved. If the claim is left to go cold, the whole process will slow down. Following up old debts is considerably more challenging and can, in the worst case scenario, end in a loss.


Maintaining the customer relationship

A good customer experience is central in all customer service, communication and other forms of contact with your customers. Although the claim has been taken over by Kredinor for debt collection, it remains closely linked to the product or service that the customer initially purchased. Many people do not know what debt collection is and need information about why Kredinor is contacting them. It is therefore crucial for us to provide a good customer experiences at all contact points through the debt collection process. We value good debt collection practice, and respect the Debt Collection Act’s General clause on generally accepted debt collecting practice. We also safeguard the privacy of the individual, based on the Data Protection Act.

Customer-friendly solutions

My Page on, makes it easy for debtors to access all the information they need to manage their situation. They can also pay what they owe directly from My Page. Debtors can safely message us or open a chat. If they need someone to talk to, our customer service representatives and case officers are also available. As the client, you will have easy access to information about the status of all the cases we are working on for you. You also get access to the dialogue we have with the debtor. Everything is easily accessible via Kredinor Online, or directly in your financial system if you are connected via one of our integrations.


Long-term follow-up strengthens your bottom line

Sometimes it is inevitable that a cases drags on and takes a long time to resolve. Our department for long-term surveillance takes over such cases and ensures efficient and good follow-up of these customers. In the long run, most people who have unpaid claims will be in a better financial situation one day, so that they can pay what they owe. These payments strengthen the bottom line of your company.


Full access to international debt collection

Kredinor has its own department that follows up all debt collection abroad and can take assignments anywhere in the world through the ECA. As a client, you can rest assured that the assignments are handled in a professional and efficient manner.


Benefits for you as a client:

  • Professional treatment of your customers
  • Among the market’s highest rate of resolved cases
  • Modern solutions in all channels
  • Competitive prices and conditions
  • The market’s most solid legal expertise
  • Business sector expertise
  • Norway’s largest customer database and analytical resources
  • We adapt our process to your credit policy
  • Solid knowledge of debt collection – before and after legal action
  • The market’s best debt collection courses and seminars

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