
Sustainability is important for us at Kredinor. Sustainable development is defined by the UN as development that meets the needs of today without limiting the opportunities for future generations to have their needs met. We at Kredinor recognize our responsibility to make this world a better place, now and for future generations.

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Sustainability in Kredinor

We support the work within the UN’s sustainability goals, and consider them as an important source of inspiration for our further work within the field. We also realize that sustainability is important for the rest of the business community. In recent years, we have experienced that sustainability has become more important for choices when it comes to us as a supplier. At the same time, sustainability is also important when we make choices. Kredinor has several references to the UN’s sustainability goals.

Teaches young people about personal finance

Smartpayer – a learning concept from Kredinor

Our vision is to work for healthy financial conditions within business and society. We want to prevent payment problems and debt collection cases by learning youth more about personal economy. Through our learning concept Smartpayers (Smartbetaler) we offer teaching hours to students in upper secondary school. By reaching out to “Smartpayers” we wish to create increased awareness between young peoples when it comes to their private finances. We wish to incorporate good payment habits by focusing on how young people can become smart consumers – and the positive effects of having a balanced economy preventing them from debt collection. Our main goal is to help young people master their own finances at an early age, leading them into a well-functioning economy as adults. as an initiative from Finance Norway

Kredinor takes part in a large Norwegian network under the auspics of Finance Norway counting more than 30 members from the banking, finance and insurance sector – plus organizations and public sector – called Everyone in the network are offering diverse learning concepts within personal economy, focusing on school children. Some of them have fun learning concepts to younger age groups and some of them for the older age groups – as we do with Smartpayer. The teachers can “order” free teaching lessons from our common webpage

Debt collection courses

With experience dating back to 1905, Kredinor has always taken social responsibility through extensive offering within debt collection courses and seminars designed for our clients. By increasing knowledge within topics such as credit, payment follow-up and debt collection, we improve the life quality of self – at the same time as the economic conditions within the business community will be more sustainable and well-functioning. Furthermore, we provide extensive advice to the end customer through customer service by phone, chat and in My page. Our aim is to help them control their finances and get out of debt, which in turn will help them increasing their quality of life.

Eco lighthouse

Kredinor is certified as a eco lighthouse in four out of nine places in Norway, including the head office in Oslo, counting more than 350 employees. Within short time our other four branch offices will be certified too. We take care of the external enviroment through our operations who are held in rented premises and by handing over unused IT equipment to professionals that destroys or reuse them in an ecofriendly way. In Oslo, the lighting system is energy-saving and electric car charging is easily accessible. There are opportunities to rent an electric bicycle. When it comes to consumption our garbage is sorted at source. Kredinor is a certified Environmental Lighthouse in Oslo, Fredrikstad, Sandefjord and Kristiansand.

Digitization and streamlining

Every year, debt collection companies send out millions of letters, which burdens the environment through the use of paper. To reduce our environmental impact, we increase the speed in digitalizing all invoices and letters sent from us, within five years. During recent years we have lead the digital revolution within the debt collection industry and have taken large and important steps within digitization and robotisation and AI. Among other things, we have developed a fully digital payment solution, Let’s Pay, which is a customer-friendly and simple solution for paying invoices via SMS. Furthermore, we have developed and modernized all our digital channels, to the benefit of both our clients and the end customers.

Equality and gender equality

We at Kredinor know that gender equality contributes to growth. Kredinor has 459 employees, with a large share in Oslo and about 130 in the branch offices. The company has a 57 percent share of women among its employees. In the management group, the proportion of women is 30 per cent and in the board 56 per cent. The salary is the same for equal positions. Kredinor works against discrimination. The measures include open recruitment processes, the Human Capital Index (HKI) surveys, employee interviews and non-discriminatory pay and working conditions.

Closer through the business model of collaboration

The UN says that cooperation is the most sustainable business model. The reason for this is that companies that operate as a cooperative are usually owned by many, and will benefit from their owners. Since 1905, we have operated as a cooperative and we are owned by our members and owners who are also our customers and clients within payment follow up and debt collection.

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